Dec 20, 2022FablehavenFablehaven is a book that follows Kendra and her younger brother Seth. They are sent to their grandparent's house while their parents are...
Nov 13, 2022A Wolf for a SpellYou should read A Wolf for a Spell because it is magical. It tells the tale of a wolf named Zima stuck in a human body who is trying to...
Oct 1, 2022Conrad's Fate Although it is one book in a great series, it can be read before the others in the Chrestomanci Chronicles. It follows Conrad, a boy who...
Sep 11, 2022The Ruins of Gorlan Ruins of Gorlan is the first book in the Ranger's Apprentice series. It follows Will, a 15 year old boy, as he becomes a Ranger's...
Aug 31, 2022Loki's Wolves Loki's Wolves is basically a Scandinavian version of the Percy Jackson series, so fans of the mythology genre will enjoy it. It follows...
Aug 17, 2022A Wolf Called Wander Fans of wolves will love this book, based on the true story of OR-7 (also known as Journey). It follows Swift, a young wolf left to...